In this lesson, I’ll teach you four phrases which Yoda would approve of 😉
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Let’s learn a few advanced phrases with an unusual word order

Exercise 1
Let’s practice! Complete the sentences:
- If they insist on going, ….
- He promised to support her ...
- I know you don't like him but …, you can at least be polite to him.
- …, we will always be your faithful comrades.
- "Is he still just as fat?" — "I wouldn't know," continued her mother, ignoring the interruption, "and …, he has made a fortune."
- … to criticise, but shouldn't their mother take a share of the blame?
- If you have really decided to quit the music business, then …
- … to try and teach you your job, but don't you think you should have been more careful?
examples: https://sentencedict.com/
Answer key
- so be it
- come what may
- be that as it may
- Come what may
- be that as it may
- Far be it from me
- so be it
- Far be it from me
Exercise 2
Let’s watch some clips! Complete the gap in the following sentence, watch the clip and check your answer.
A. "Jack imagined people reading his book. He would tell them, you have to make the choice in life. Be a gambler, or a croupier. And then live with your decision, ...”
croupier /ˈkruː.pi.eɪ/ - a person who works in a casino and is in charge of gathering in and paying out money or tokens
B. "Please sit down."
"Oh, I'm cool"
"Well, … , I wish you would sit down because I have a job offer to discuss with you.”
C. "My apologies for disturbing your meal."
"Keep it down. I'm trying to eat in peace."
”Certainly sir. Of course, I understand perfectly. … from me to disturb such an elegant repast.”
D. "The price of freedom is high. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. If I'm the only one, then ... But I'm willing to bet I'm not.”
E. "As I understand it, Mr. Martinez modified his headset with backalley software to avoid paying for the licensed update. This is not behaviour befitting a pupil from a financially stable home." "It's not a problem, really. We can afford it."
"…, I see an opportunity here to improve David's situation.”
F. "Hey, Snow. How do you figure that out?" "… to teach you how to suck eggs, but you'd think they might have said something."
Teach your grandmother to suck eggs means to give advice to somebody about a subject they are more knowledgeable that you are.
G. "I can't remember the last time I asked a waiter to give my compliments to the chef."
"Thanks but I'm just your waiter tonight."
"Then who do I thank for the meal?"
"If you wish to meet the chef, you will have to wait until all the other customers have gone."
H. "I went looking for the troll. I thought I could handle it. But I was wrong.If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead." "…, it was an extremely foolish thing to do.
Exercise 3
Fill in the gaps. Use the phrases 'so be it,' 'far be it from me,' 'come what may,' and 'be that as it may'.
- I noticed you're trying a new cooking technique. … to critique, but there's a small tip I'd like to share if you're open to it.
- She may not have the most experience in our group, but …, her innovative ideas have consistently brought fresh perspectives.”
- If choosing this career path means I'll face challenges along the way, then ... I'm ready to face them head-on.
- We've entered this competition as a team, and …, we'll support each other till the end.
- Far be it from me
- be that as it may
- so be it
- come what may

Exercise 4
Answer the following questions. Try to naturally incorporate the phrases 'so be it,' 'far be it from me,' 'come what may,' and 'be that as it may' into your responses.
- Your colleague often arrives late to meetings but always has valuable insights to offer. If another team member points out their tardiness, how would you acknowledge it while also emphasizing their contributions?
- You're moving to a new country for a job opportunity, uncertain about the cultural differences and challenges. How would you express your commitment to adapting there?
- You learn that the singer of your favourite band has controversial opinions. Despite this revelation, you still enjoy their music. How would you explain your feelings to a friend who criticizes the band?
- You've been planning an outdoor picnic for weeks, but the weather forecast predicts rain. If it rains on the day of your picnic, how will you react?
- You've decided to participate in a marathon, despite never having run long distances before. How would you express your determination to complete the race?
- You overhear a friend planning a surprise party for someone trying to control their decisions?
- You've been eyeing a limited-edition item online, but someone else buys the last one just before you do. How would you express your feelings about missing out?
- At a family gathering, your aunt is about to add a lot of salt to the dish she's cooking, but you prefer less salty food. How would you ask her to not add as much salt while not offending her?
- use ‘be that as it may’
- use ‘come what may’
- use ‘ be that as it may’
- use ‘so be it’
- use ‘come what may’
- use ‘far be it from me’
- use ‘so be it’
- use ‘far be it from me’