In this lesson, we’ll take a look at a few advanced words. Materials level C1/C2.
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discerning - /dɪˈsɝː.nɪŋ/
comprise - /kəmˈpraɪz/
reiterate - /riˈɪt.ər.eɪt/
salient - /ˈseɪ.li.ənt/
reconcile - /ˈrek.ən.saɪl/
Be careful!
Reiterate is pronounced with ɪ in the first syllable.
Reconcile is pronounced with e in the first syllable.

Exercise 1
Complete the gaps and watch the clip to check your answer.
- "You … (read) all the Slayer lore there is, right?" "I … (study) all the extant volumes, of course. But the most … (important) books of Slayer prophecy have been lost...”
extant volumes are very old books
- "It should be no cause for concern and you should not at all be worried. Well, we've received a number of letters urging us not to grant you tenure. Let me … (repeat), no cause for concern.”
- "At the same time as trying to lead a good life, I have to … (find a way in which two opposed situations exist together) myself with the fact that, yes, I have killed people.”
- “Handbags and leather accessories for the … (refined, picky) lady.”
- "We must remember that these stones … (account for) only a small percentage of the legitimate diamond industry whose trade is crucial to the economies of many emerging nations.”
- "The Prime Minister often finds that a brief verbatim summary clarifies the emphasis and focuses on the … (most important) points.”
verbatim /vɜːˈbeɪ.tɪm/ - using the exact same words as in the original
e.g. I have a brilliant memory and can recall lines from films verbatim.
- "My conscience, and I hope yours, simply cannot … (find a way in which two opposed beliefs exist together) executing a mentally disabled man, whether he was officially pronounced as such or not. We have to be better than that…”
- “Whiskey, please" "Any particular sort?" "Large" "Oh, … (refined, picky)."
- "Ok, if I can't alter the dress, I'll alter myself. I'll diet. I've never done it before but how hard can it be?" ”Yeah, the fact that weight-loss products … (account for) a billion-dollar industry is probably just a funny coincidence.”
- "To … (repeat), there is simply no evidence of foul play." "She wouldn't run away." "Her bag is missing. Her favorite teddy bear is gone." "I told you. She was offered a job. Someone has taken her.”
foul play - a criminal act that results in serious damage or injury, especially murder (acc. dictionary.cambridge.org)
e.g. She is still missing, and the police now suspect that she may have been a victim of foul play. [=that she may have been murdered or harmed in some way] (reference: link)
Exercise 2
Let’s practice! Complete the dialogues:
- “Very often, film-makers and readers … (repeat) the point that "it's a fictional movie, not a documentary" (link)
- “Visible light … (accounts for) only a minute fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum.” (link)
- How do we … (find a way in which two opposed beliefs exist together) the seemingly contradictory notions of cutting taxes and balancing the budget? (link)
- “… (refined) drinkers are buying crateloads of pricey craft ales made on a small scale in a fast-growing collection of microbreweries.” (link)
- “Chronic fatigue is also one of the … (most important) symptoms of depression.”
- “Just to … (repeat) a point I've made before, none of this reflects actual economic theory.” (link)
- “She began to summarize the … (most important) points of the proposal.” (link)
- “The simple system, which … (consists of) a bucket with a thin hose attached to a nozzle, can clean a million gallons of water.” (link)
- How can you … (find a way in which two opposed situations exist together) your fur coat and/with your love of animals? (link)
- We offer tailor-made holidays to suit the more … (picky) travellers.
- “Despite the warnings — House Speaker John Boehner said Obama called him last week to … (repeat) that there would be no compromise on the debt ceiling.” (link) debt ceiling - The United States debt ceiling or debt limit is a legislative limit on the amount of national debt that can be incurred by the U.S. (acc. en.wikipedia.org)
- “If you are shortlisted, you will have the opportunity to pitch to our panel of … (perceptive) judges from the investment community and an audience of your peers.” (link)
- “The article presented the … (most important) facts of the dispute clearly and concisely.” (link)
The answer key
- reiterate
- comprises
- reconcile
- discerning
- salient
- reiterate
- salient
- comprises
- reconcile
- discerning
- reiterate
- discerning
- salient