In this lesson, we’ll take a look at some phrases that will help you express agreement. Materials level: B1/B2.
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Agreement phrases
Watch those clips and write down any phrases that characters use to express agreement.
Clip 1
"If I'm not crowned tonight, then Marcie's won and that would be bad! She's evil, okay? Way eviler than me."
"Cordelia has a point"
"Buffy's with me on this”
Clip 2
"I hate it when girls insist on taking them out to restaurants every weekend night, and then they're like, "When are we gonna go on a date
"I hate that, too, man."
"I feel you"
"No, you don't. You don't feel us."
Clip 3
"It's okay, baby."
"Stu, we don't have time for this. Let's go hook up with Dough, we'll deal with the baby later."
"Phil, we're not gonna leave a baby in the room."
"It's not our baby."
"Yeah, I gotta side with Stu on this one.”
(I gotta = I have got to)
Clip 4
"Everyone told us that it might take a while, but we thought we might be the exception of the rule. Obviously, this goes without saying, but you won't tell Lily about any of this, right?"
Clip 5
"It would be so much easier for someone to get their hands on a gun within a school if we had actual guns."
"Teachers already are working a job that is almost without a shadow of a doubt being... They're being underpaid.”
Clip 6
"(I) better go."
"I would offer to help you with your case, but, you're on your own, I'm afraid."
"That's fair enough.”

Clip 7
"It's Alex's new "boyfriends" Michael."
"What's up with the air quotes?"
"She thinks he's gay. I don't know, Claire. You could be wrong. Boys aren't as concerned about traditional masculinity anymore."
"You can't tell anything anymore."
"Yep, he's gay. We stand corrected.”
Clip 8
”You’re the mommy”
”No, pal. Don’t call me mommy. It’s bad enough you call your own mother that.”
”I’m actually with her on this one.”
Let’s practise!
Agree with those statements and back them up with arguments. Use the phrases from the list:

Extra clips!
Fill in the gaps.
Clip 1
Clip 2
"You knew! And you didn't say anything?"
"You didn't say anything to me."
"F… e…”
"You know, I missed Fire and Ice
on Monday. What happened?"
"My guess is a bunch of ridiculous plot turns done by overwrought actors who are impossibly good looking."
"Don't listen to him."
"Nothing really. Antonio hired a hooker to murder his father so that he can get back the money."
"Oh. Well, I s… c..."