In this lesson, we’ll focus on the pronunciation of the three forms of the word “come”.
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Watch this clip. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words “come” and “came”. What did you hear?
"We came to you a long time ago seeking your help. Fuck off"
"I've come a long way and I've watched a lot of people die.”

Exercise 1
Read the sentences and watch the clips to check your answers.
A. “Could you come here, please?”
B. “I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had ever happened.”
C. "You've heard of me?" "Naturally. You are known throughout the world. Why else would I come here? I came to meet the renowned killer.”
D. “Oh and hey, those little spelling tips will come in handy when you're at home on Saturday nights playing Scrabble with Monica!”
E. "Okay, so the perp (perpetrator) came in through the window, left the muddy red footprint”
F. "So my favourite names that I came up with were…”

G. “Do you mind if I come to work with you tomorrow?"
H. "I’ve heard stories. She’s been praying on ships for nearly 10 years. Never leaves any survivors.” “No survivors? Then where do the stories come from?”

I. "I think we'll have two babies" "two babies?" "yeah, you know a boy and a girl. Hopefully the girl will come first, so Ben here won't feel too competitive.”
J. "Before you came along, we Bagginses were very well thought of." "Indeed”
K. "Yeah, I'm a little pissed.” “You know, come to think of it I've never really seen you angry before.”
L. "I think Stevie’s bad news.” “What? Come on, Charles.”
M. “You come into my house and you insult me and my boyfriend, who, by the way, is not that dramatic... oh god.”
N. “Dormammu, I've come to bargain.” “You’ve to die.”
O. “The mirror shows many things. Things that were, things that are and some things that have not yet come to pass.”
(come to pass - happen)
P. "Larry, what's done is done. Even the glory of Rome had to come to an end."
(come to an end - to reach an end)

R. “I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go.”

Exercise 2
Answer these questions:
- Do you always come on time to meetings?
- Where do you come from?
- What were you doing when your boss came to the office yesterday?
- Can you tell me about a situation when you had a problem and somebody came to your rescue?
- What comes in handy when you’re travelling?
- Have you ever had a problem coming to terms with sth? (come to terms with sth - to learn to accept a sad situation )
- I’m going on a trip to Berlin this weekend. Are you coming with me?
- Tell me about a time when you couldn’t come to your friend’s party. Why couldn’t you come?
- Which season comes to an end too quickly in your opinion?